Baby's First Food | 5 Common Misconceptions

Disclosure: Fresh Bellies sent us samples to try out in exchange for my honest opinion.

Finding out what food to give your baby for the first time can be one of the most daunting tasks for your little one. I remember when Camila was around 5 months, I had no idea where to begin. Our pediatrician told us at the time there wasn't a set age, just to let her guide us. Remember to always consult your pediatrician before making big changes!

As first time parents I had no idea what that meant then, but going through this the second time I felt like I had it down. What clued us in the first time was Mila reaching for food, and opening her mouth like she was waiting for us to feed her. It was pretty cute actually! With Bella, she was a little more aggressive and threw a fit every time we would pull the plate away from her lol. 

When we decided to feed Mila for the first time, we knew we weren't going to give her fruit. At the time we didn't really have a reason, we just wanted her first food to be something safe that we knew she wasn't going to have a reaction to. We went with a Hispanic staple, fresh refried beans boiled with lots of garlic so it didn't make her gassy! So when it was Bella's turn we did the same thing. 

I connected with Fresh Bellies, we had just started our solid's journey with Bella. I was looking for an alternative to store bought baby food, and baby food that I make myself. Yes I know it's pretty easy to make baby food, it's just time-consuming. There are plenty of good store bought baby food brands that we tried but I still couldn't kick the mom-guilt from feeding Bella preservatives. I felt like Fresh Bellies was a happy and affordable middle ground. One thing that really sold me on this particular brand of baby food was the different types of herbs, spices, and flavor combinations they offered. One of Bella's favorites right now is Cauliflower & Red Bell Pepper! 

According to Amy Shapiro, Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist, and advisor to Fresh Bellies, the first-ever savory kid product for palate training, parents should be aware of 5 common misconceptions  when they start solids:

For most parents, spices are out, and fruits are first for babies. Instead, the first foods should teach young palates to learn to love savory food. Many typical pre-made baby foods add sugar, which changes a baby's taste profile to crave sweets. Go for unmasked veggies seasoned with herbs and spices (yes garlic!).

There’s no set rule around baby’s first solid foods - it really depends on your baby. It’s totally okay to start at month 4 or even start all the way up to month 8.

No need to avoid nuts. In fact, the earlier you introduce your kids, in pureed form,  (as long as there is no family history of nut allergy), the less risk they have of developing these and other types of allergies. Introduce them at around 6 months.

Early on, your child does not yet have the enzymes necessary to digest meats. Always start with veggies, and avoid those chicken nuggets for now.

Worried your child isn’t eating enough? Don’t. Let your kid tell you when they are finished with their meal. If you teach them to ignore their natural "full" tendency, they will have trouble self-regulating their eating portions for the rest of their lives

These common misconceptions really helped me in guiding Bella down a veggie lover path. This was also knowledge I really wish I would have had the first time around with Mila. We ended up keeping her food bland and weren't very adventurous in the food and spices we gave her. As she sees Bella eating though she asks to taste her foods and finds new things that she likes which is a total mom-win. 

What advice would you give new moms introducing their baby's to solids for the first time? 
